We’ve released a new version of the Alfred workflow (now at version 1.2) for Trickster. It started with one customer (thank you, Sebastian) updating our existing workflow to work better with Alfred 5.5 and we took it from there, giving it better interoperation with DEVONthink items in your Trickster. Download link is at the bottom. For older Alfred versions (below 5): use the previous version of the workflow, see this older post.

So, what can you do with this new workflow:

Get the latest 30 items from Trickster and show them in Alfred

Invoke it with the ttr command in Alfred or with the global hotkey ⌘⌥Z. You can filter the list further by name by typing. This is similar to what you can already do in Trickster, of course, but if you prefer Alfred interface or have further actions that you’d like on them in Alfred and are not possible in Trickster, this is the way.

Open the items by pressing return

For regular files, holding Command key will allow to continue browsing the files in Alfred for all the operations that it provides.

Open DEVONthink items in DEVONthink

With items that came from DEVONthink (which are also files), pressing Option-Return will open the item directly in DEVONthink instead of in the default application in the system. This is similar to how they open from Trickster by default but now it also works in Alfred. Notice how Alfred also displays the path to items from DEVONthink in the format: DEVONthink 3: [DATABASE NAME]/Path in the database instead of the regular file path.

screenshot of Alfred showing Trickster workflow in action, highlighting Open in DEVONthink command on a list item.

Download the workflow

This is what you were looking for.

Click the image below to download the workflow. Then double-click the file (Get latest files from Trickster.alfredworkflow) to open it in Alfred and continue there with installing it.

Click the image to download the 
"Get latest files from Trickster" 
Alfred workflow for Trickster
Click the image to download the
“Get latest files from Trickster”
Alfred workflow for Trickster

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