Canada Day and Independence Day sale

Canada Day and Independence Day sale

We celebrate Canada Day and US Independence Day with a 34% discount store-wide. The sale runs through July 6th. No coupons are necessary.

Select the product you’re interested in:




But there’s more…

Download these special frame sets designed by us for ImageFramer 4 with special festive designs for this occasion!


Click on the icons below to download the frames. Then double-click on the downloaded files to import them into ImageFramer. Have fun and show what you’ve done on our ImageFramer FaceBook page.


Educational articles on framing and matting

Are you interested in the history of picture frame? Or perhaps you need some tips for choosing the perfect frame for your art work? What are the main rules of framing the photo?
We are pleased to inform you that we have started publishing educational articles on framing and matting. Take a look at our Picture Framing Articles page.
Every month we will add articles with interesting facts about framing, as well as sharing tips to mount your artwork.
Let us introduce our first article – Why a picture frame?

Why a picture frame?

A frame for a picture is like a beautiful dress for a woman. It serves to emphasize the important details, hide the disadvantages, and create a complete, perfect image. Many private owners and art galleries exhibit their paintings without frames, but this is a huge mistake. An unframed picture looks far less impressive than it could because the painting itself is rarely self-sufficient and lacks a complete form. In most cases the right framing is necessary to complete the image…

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